
Job offer in the Thiers cutlery industry: We are looking for a manufacturing machinist

The cutlery industry is recruiting. The enterprise TB Groupe and La Générale de Découpage are searching for a manufacturing machinist to fill a post based in Thiers. This job offer grants a temporary contract (CDD) which can be renewed as a permanent contract (CDI). We are looking to fill this post immediately.

Manufacturing machinist in the cutlery field: experienced male or female

Thiers-based job offer

You will work in the Thiers cutlery universe situated in the Puy-de-Dôme department. The wide range of machining techniques are not a mystery to you. Your tasks will consist of working raw materials to create metal parts through a material removal process.

Required profile and nature of the job offer

You are a manufacturing machinist specialist.
This post is to be filled immediately and is based in Thiers, France.
This job offer grants a temporary contract (CDD) which can be renewed as a permanent contract (CDI).
