
ISO 9001 and 14001 standards: TB Groupe’s compliance with quality management systems and regulations promoting environmental protection

The company TB Groupe and its subcontractor GDD (Générale de découpage) are structured around ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 standards. These two certifications were recently renewed. The excellence these two entities exhibit in terms of quality control and environmental protection were recognized and rewarded once again: a just reward for this historic knife manufacturer from Thiers who places innovation and quality manufacturing at the top of its list of developmental policies.

ISO 9001 and 14001 standards: TB Groupe's compliance with quality management systems and regulations promoting environmental protection

Quality management system: ISO 9001 standard renewed

The business world’s certification system

In a company, the Quality Management System (QMS) is in charge of putting in place regulations designed to continuously improve the manufacturing process’ quality and organization.

This quality management system concerns the company as a whole as well as each department individually. Every operational level is involved, including the following:

  • Manufacturing production
  • Sales
  • Logistics
  • Communication and marketing
  • Human resources

Each company is responsible for setting up its own quality control system. The company managers put this system’s techniques and regulations into place.

The quality management system follows ISO 9001 standards which are written out in a set of standards and guidelines for improving the company’s performance.

Many different priorities must be followed. Among many other things these priorities include customer and supplier relationship management as well as staff and company participation in this quality management system.

The International Standard Organisation establishes the international ISO standards. This organization defines a set of rules aimed at improving a company’s credibility concerning its clientele and suppliers. The ISO is a worldwide federation of national standardization bodies comprising approximately 140 countries. The certifications are decided upon by independent external entities. These entities have the authorization to grant the certifications following an audit performed by the company. The Committee on Conformity Assessment (CASCO) is charged with officially approving these external entities.
TB Groupe was recently audited. This audit’s outcome was extremely positive as both TB Groupe and GDD’s ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 were renewed!

Tarrerias-Bonjean and GDD’s quality management system

The leader in French made cutlery and its subcontractor Générale de découpage (GDD), which have already been recognized for their quality management systems, can congratulate themselves for their successful audit and the renewal of their ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certifications (effective until September 2016).

At TB Groupe and GDD the quality management department aims at improving the company’s operational system by optimizing its structure.

TB Groupe’s goal is to completely satisfy its customers by optimizing its organizational processes based on ISO 9001 quality management standards. Each department is structured in order to function as a whole. This concerns the following departments:

  • Identifying customer needs
  • R&D and design
  • Purchasing
  • Product creation
  • Manufacturing
  • Product checks
  • Marketing and commercial services
  • Dispatch
  • SAV (customer service team)

This system’s goal is to develop and constantly improve each department individually in order to advance TB Groupe as a whole.

TB Groupe implements environmental management measures

The ISO 14001 standard

The ISO 14001 standard is a set of rules regarding a company’s environmental management measures. Its main goal is to control the impact companies and their production facilities have on the environment.

According to the ISO 14001 standard, environmental management includes many different measures notably:

  • Analyzing the impact the company’s activities have on the environment
  • Putting a policy into place which continuously improves upon the company’s pollution prevention methods

Establishing environmental management measures that promote sustainable development according to ISO 14001 standards is a voluntary action. Creating this system helps with the following factors:

  • Better understanding the impact the company’s activities have on the environment
  • Guaranteeing that the rules and regulations are respected
  • Anticipating future evolutions in environmental protection and making sure that the company’s practices continue to follow these changes in order to preserve the environment

TB Groupe’s environmental management measures

By taking part in actions promoting environmental management according to the ISO 14001 standards, TB Groupe commits itself to developing a quality manufacturing system, guaranteeing that we respect the environment and work towards reducing emissions.

Presently, this manufacturer from Thiers recycles the water and occasional waste produced while creating its knife blades.

Thanks to TB Groupe’s drive to continuously improve its quality management system the company can work towards creating products which are increasingly innovative and reliable. The company also hopes to deal with its client’s demands to the best of its ability while continuing to respect the environment!

A company’s operational system undergoes an annual check to verify that it is maintaining ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 standards. The company has an opportunity to renew this certification every three years.