
The ceramic pizza wheel: Revolutionizing the art of cutting pizza

Is cutting a pizza a laborious task that you dread? Rest assured you are not the only one. That is why TB Groupe has set out to solve this problem. Say goodbye to the difficult task of cutting a pizza! The Thiernois knife manufacturer has launched a line of ceramic pizza wheels: the ultimate utensil that allows all pizza-making amateurs to savor cutting their pizza as much as they enjoy eating it.

The ceramic pizza wheel: Revolutionizing the art of cutting pizza

The art of cutting pizza

How to cut a pizza into equal slices

Sometimes cutting a pizza can be a real challenge especially when your table is brimming with guests or children. How can you go about sharing a pizza equally without making someone jealous?

Firstly, keep in mind that the probability of cutting perfectly equal slices is very low! Put aside this initial thought, a reliable and simple technique for cutting equal slices that will also satisfy those you are serving does exist. Here are the steps you should follow:

  • Cut the pizza horizontally. Cut a straight line through the middle of the pizza cutting along the pizza’s diameter
  • Cut vertically to make a right angle with the first line that was cut so that you are left with four slices
  • Place the pizza wheel at the bottom of the quartered pizza in the middle of the quarter and slice on a 45° angle across the intersection of these two lines continuing to cut in a 45° angle towards the upper right hand of the pizza. Repeat this step on the other uncut quarter and the pizza should now be cut into eight relatively equal slices!

When it comes to cutting pizza the pizza wheel has been proven to be much more practical than a knife or a pair of scissors.

The pizza wheel makes life easier

The pizza wheel is a kitchen utensil composed of a disk that turns around an axis used for cutting pizzas and other thin tarts. The basic principle is to have a cutting-edge that rolls along the edibles that you wish to cut. The pizza wheel can be held by a handle or directly in your hand using an ergonomic cover.

Until now the cutting disk on pizza wheels were made out of metal or steel which are relatively resilient and cut fairly precisely. TB Groupe has revolutionized the world of pizza cutting by developing a pizza wheel made of ceramic- a material known for its sturdiness as well as its precise cutting capabilities.

This is the first time that a cutler has thought of putting a product like this on the market. TB Groupe’s new pizza wheel fits perfectly into the Thiernois knife manufacturer’s line of ceramic products. Given the company’s experience in the field it will not take long for the Tarrerias-Bonjean branded pizza wheel to change our habits!

The ceramic pizza wheel made by TB Groupe

The ceramic pizza wheel is a major innovation

TB Groupe’s team is happy to present a major innovation which has expanded their line of ceramic products- the pizza wheel! This revolutionary utensil allows you to cut an array of dough from tarts to different types of pizzas, whether they are thick or thin.

Thanks to TB Groupe’s pizza wheel cutting a pizza becomes child’s play! Its ergonomic handle, which is designed to be cupped in the palm on your hand, makes cutting pizza an effortless task. It is designed to be multi-functional and can also be used to cut oven-cooked dishes such as brownies, tortillas, waffles, etc.

A customizable kitchen accessory

The playfully formed ceramic pizza wheels will soon be available in two colors: red and blue. The “Flag” design will also be added to the line: you can personalize your pizza wheel with the colors of the Union Jack, the American stars and stripes or the flags from Brittany, Italy, etc.

The benefits of ceramic

Ceramic gives this revolutionary pizza wheel multiple advantages:

  • An impressively sharp cutting edge
  • An incomparably precise cutting capacity
  • A very long product life
  • Helps you save time due to its strength and sturdiness

Ceramic is a neutral and biocompatible material which is capable of resisting high temperatures and wear and tear. It is easy to clean and maintain, just a bit of lukewarm water and soap is all that is needed to clean it.

TB Groupe strives to innovate by inventing the first ceramic pizza wheel. Do not hesitate to contact us for more information. On your mark, get set, roll!